Yes, 45% stupd, 15 % geek. And I'm going to die at the age of 91.
I just had the most exciting 3 minutes bus ride of my life. Pfft.
The headache got worse on Friday, so I thought I should just stay in on Friday. It was so irritating that the head gets painful whenever I coughed. It feels kind of a vibration. Yes, it's as though I've set the handphone in silent, vibration only mode before swallowing it, but it somehow ended up at the head thanks to indigestion.
It's only been the first week of school, and everything have been rather hectic lately. To start it off, I've been out of sorts since Tuesday thanks to the flu bug. It's the third day already, and I'm still blissfuly coughing and sniffing mindlessly like nobody's business.
"sniff sniff. cough cough. hacheeeeemm!"
The flu bug is bugging me silly. Just hope I'd be able to walk to school tomorrow, and not crawl.
I think I've left this blog stagnant long enough, so here I am to update. Just for the heck of it really. I know previously, I said that I'd update about that wedding and the chalet with the w16j mates. Now that it's pretty much old news, I don't see the point Anyhow, thanks to Suling, I have all the pictures in the photobucket, so feel free to have some visual insights. (:
I have so much to blog about these days, I know where to start, but not when. If you could see my "Edit posts" page in my blogger account, you'd have seen many drafts of entries. That's the result of many entries blogged and not published, thanks to it being either halfway, or just two lines written.
"Today's interesting. I'm glad I was there."
The sister's working on her so called "project"; a DIY jigsaw puzzle as a birthday present. I think she's crazy, and have nothing better to do. She thinks she's being sweet going through the trouble doing all this things. Which is quite true, really.
I'm sorry I was being a bitch. It feels good, though.
"It was alright. Rather awkward, out of place, I think I miss out too much."
I just watched that "Jangan Pandang Belakang" movie. (Don't Look Back). Thankfully, it's just on VCD, which means lots of people, lots of pillows to cover anything and everything, a remote control, and lights. And most importantly - Free.