Where she writes them all.

The one where I feel like blogging long nothings, randomly.

Do you know, reading or watching tv, or looking at the screen in the dark actually doesn't spoil the eyes, and neither does it makes you blind? Well, thanks to the Reader's Digest, I finally discover that. (Yes, exciting indeed.)

Well, I'm doing exactly that - just to make sure it's reliable. If the degree's getting higher to the 900th, and the spec's getting thicker. you know who to blame. (I could possibly be one in every 5000 people in the population who still do not succumb to the wonders of contact lenses, and rely on good old specsy.) Why, Ugly Betty suddenly makes it trendy again, no?

Well, now you might be wondering why oh why am I rambling randomly now, in the unearthly hour of minutes past midnight (pass my bedtime!). Honestly, I too, have no idea why. I just had the itch to update the space, and I thought starting it off with a little "do you know"s might seem a little "cool", instead of the norm. Of course, obviously it's not, when you read this entry the second time round. ( And I haven't even come to the "Do you know eating carrots doesn't make the eyesight any better" bit.)

Now, like the usual entries, I would have update on the school life, and whine about it's mundane-ness despite the little excitements going on about every now and then. But today, now, this time, I really don't feel like doing it. In fact, I must say the eyes are half closed now (half opened, if you're optimistic.), and in usual days, I would have prefered slumbering than owl-ing, if there's even such a word. But tomorrow's holiday, and Friday's self-declared holiday, and after the weekends, it's still the holidays. And to folow my tradition (since today), if it's holiday time, staying up late is a must. (: After long hours, days, weeks of life bustling with non-stop activity, all I really want is to have a break.

Sometimes, it's little things like this you take for granted that you desperately need after a long while. Pretty much like me and my MacD's breakfast. (:

Lately, I've been rather nostalgic, thinking about old episodes, and what might have been. But of course, I'd rather not elaborate on it as that would be a long (three hours if I make it a movie, 600 pages if I make it a book.) well, story. Meanwhile, it's a pity that I'm going to spend my Vesak Day at home instead of joining them people for lunch.

Today, Yuhui mentioned that she have nothing much to blog about anymore. (maybe, thanks to our so excitng life.) I thought "I'll go blog today, when I have nothing to blog about, and post a long entry at that."

So yes, that's why you're reading this long entry of random ramblings that pretty much is going redundant, in the first place. (: And now, I shall go get that much needed sleep.



Uber Torturing.

I got UT result, and I'm not exactly happy about it, much more jumping for joy. To think that this is only the first UT is not ego-boosting at all. Bruising, maybe. Boosting, no. Before I start whining about the academic life a whole of the next three paragraphs, I think I shoud just leave it to that. On a much lighter note, I can't wait for the June holidays, and the much needed rotting at home and catching up with them people (:

Meanwhile, I'll just retreat to the bed and get back to my Reader's Digest , instead of torturing myself listening to budding singers in Anugerah. I've had enough enduring for the day.





She's kecohrable. She's crazy. She's Zimot the Petom. And she's officially, legally, happily 20 years young! (:



Don't read the previous post, if you hate spoilers.

I swear I accidentally blog about it. If you're wondering about what that "IT" is, it's a scene in the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. But no, I won't say what scene that is, again. You see, it was really an oversight from me to presume that everyone had watched the show. Silly me. So I happily wrote some spoilers which pretty much makes some people mad. (Oops?)


See, I'm nice - apologising for blogging in my own blog.

Peace, no war ehh. (:




The blog have been rather boring lately, I'm even thinking of leaving it stagnant for weeks until I have something decent to write. But of course, that would be impossible. I wouldn't know what to do most of the time except posting random posts of my otherwise exciting life, really.

I've been trying to post smartly interesting entries worthy of two minutes of reader's life. But yes, trying will only get me so far. My flair for writing is gone. And it doesn't help that the life is so much a routine, I have nothing new to share. Writing about the everyday life everyday , gets a tad boring, no matter how exciting I claim my life is.

As brutally saddening as that might sound.

This week has been somewhat draggy, if I describe every detail of it, nobody (even me) would bother scrolling down to read the end of it. All I can say is "school have been pretty much as usual."

Other than the fact that them classmates seems to be prone of skipping classes an extra lot of time this week and I'm planning to do it one of these days and class is getting quieter most of the days, everything is, well, as usual. The only thing worth looking forward to is the first breakout, and lunching in the crowd. (:

On a much lighter note, I watched Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End with Farah Hor on Thursday. Initially, the plan was to watch it on Friday. But I couldn't resist it any longer, since I've been looking forward to it since forever. (As dramatic as that might sound.) Eversince the trailer came out, that Chow Yun Fatt's one liner "Welcome to Singapore!" have been bugging me, it gets a little irritating. But oh, I was looking forward to watching that part when he say the line. It's funny, somehow. Anyhow, the movie rocks thanks to Johnny Depp. And after two seasons, and Elizabethtown, I just realise that all along Orlando Bloom was never manly until the part when he died in this sequel. How tragic.

So yes, there I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean on Thursday evening with Farah Hor. What difference a day would have made that I couldn't wait for Friday, you may ask? It's all thanks to Jeff' and Thumb's attempts to spill the spoilers. Drats.

And I think I've finally written one decent post, with no whining of life's "excitement". Thanks for those who scrolled down. Pfft.




I got so much to say, but don't know where to start, and no time to write. So yes maybe next time.



Friday rites.

You know, sometimes I have this sudden thought of wanting to blog something, while on the way home. And when I finally reach home, laptop out, on and the blogger logged in, I find myself staring at the screen, stone.

And that happens many times already, it's getting annoying. I don't know which shoud I be mad at. My not so superb memory, or my not so superb memory? (Okay, what the hell.) I remember yesterday I wanted to blog about the day, but then I forgot about blogging as I was busy bugging Desmond to play games and answering his nonsensical questions, and bugging Thumb for the third time this week to send me songs.

So yes, I'm going to blog about yesterday, today. (The entries nowadays are about the school life, like it or not) I shall leave the baloney of most of the not beyond interesting hours at school out, to save time. Today, the class seems a tad quiet, and a little bored. Maybe because of the heavy brunch at 10am. Or maybe because of the Friday blues. My team had only three of us, since two people went MIA. But that's not really a problem. Come to think of it, the whole day was alright. Maybe it was just that DBC talk that pretty much makes the whole remaining hours seems draggy. At least I had Ivan to laugh at. He was yawning and taking a short nap when the speaker was talking, and we were sitting like four seats from the front. I was just worried we were going to be thrown out of the LT, really. Haha. (: Come to think of it, the thrown-out-of-LT bit seems more appealing than sitting and listening to people rambling for an hour.

On a much lighter note, me and Yusra had a little jog (okay, a race.) across the long stretch of the school's hallway because we were late for presentation by 15 minutes! Anyhow, we were lucky no one was there to witness the unflattering sight of two people running, screaming and panting away, running for dear life. Pfft.

On another note, my grades are looking good, with only two Cs, and all Bs so far.

And I shall spare you with other school and academic details, since this entry is pretty much going redundant, and I can't think of anything that is smartly interesting to write about. This space have been rather congested with too much entries about the school routine, even I'm geting bored of it.

So yes, that's all the update of my otherwise exciting life. (:



brainless mindless useless post.

I'm only writing this post now because I thought the picture with them people dancing around suddenly looks a little bit retarded, really. So now that I'm only halfway one sentence into the post, I might as well rant a little here. You see, I spend most of my day in front of this laptop typing the keyboard mindlessly, it feels weird not doing so for two hours. More or less, the same as being naked and taking the train back and forth, between Paya Lebar and Woodlands.

The school have been pretty much the same. By now, after reading previous posts, you smart people might already associate "the same" with "mundane", "routine"and "presentations". So let's not go into that. (: I realise recently that I haven't even speak to a fellow classmate even after weeks of school. She reminded me of my old self a lot. Too quiet. Notoriously quiet, to be exact. So I've made it a personal mission to talk to her by the end of the week. Haha. (:

I refused to use my brain at school today. I just don't feel like doing all the thinking for one day. Just for the heck of it, really. Besides a confirmation of a grade C, one lesson learnt is not using the brain for a day really is a difficult task, as daft as that sound. It's as brainless as the Deal or No Deal show. And as useless as figuring out why people still flag for cabs at the bus stop.

By now, that SARS song with Phua Chu Kang singing the "use your blain, use you blain, use your blain..." is playing in my mind, for some reason. Gee.


Today rocks.

This is what happens when you have a birthday girl , pizzas, balloons and music. (:


Gue enggak ada apa apa mahu ngobrol, dey.

I love Indons' accents!



mothers' day.

"We are all children of mothers who brought us screaming into the world unrequested, and have the cheek to expect us to be grateful."

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

I'll be good and a doting daughter and do some of the chores tomorrow. The mothers are going to be grateful and impressed.

They are easily pleased, just like me. I think


trains, school and what not.

The past few weeks, going to school seems to feel like going to war. No, this is not yet another dramatic whining from me. It really feels like going to war. That's, of course, minus any destructive weapons swapped behind the back and any helmets. (: But let's not start with my crap, and go out of point.

Everyday going to school involves walking to the mrt station, and then lining up for as long as five minutes, for the bus, for a two minute journey. Of course,that seven minutes could have been spend walking to school instead when I'm not feeling lazy - which is never, yet. That really is not a problem to me, since it's all been more or less a routine. But the train journey is really what makes me feel crappy.

I thought I'm finished with blogging about train passengers' traits when I did so, many months back. So I was wrong. Having to take the train almost everyday, what with rush hours and crowds, isn't exactly exciting when you're all tired and all you want to do is repose on the heavenly four-legged abode. Today was one of those days. I was in no mood to stay back as usual, so I thought going home would be good.

To put a long story short, my train journey involved being sandwiched in between four men with strong arms (okay, just three of them) but couldn't stand without holding on to the pole. Let's just say I was smelling all sorts of smell, thanks to their inability to stand and balance, and my disability to grow anymore. (coincidently, my nose is as high as their armpits!) As if that was not enough. Since most people are heading to city hall, from the west side (me included.) I made a mental note to stand near the two seats, just in case one of them stand up. I wouldn't want to stand all the way through that 36 minutes journey. I was in luck, and let's just say I wrestled through two people to get to the seat before this old woman. Come to think of it, she don't look that old, with her thick make up and nicely trimmed eyebrow, and dyed hair. Just that the wrinkles gave her away. Haha. (:

So yes, that one paragraph pretty much sums up why I was feeling crappy when I reach home today. Besides that, school have been pretty normal, fun and not. I went to the first CE talk on Wednesday, just for the heck of it. Going with a lot of them people makes it more bearably fun. (: School is the usual routine, but we're changing groups next week. So I'm looking forward to see who's my new team mates. prayinghardit'snotacertainsomeone
And oh, I just realise today that after four weeks of school, I have still not talk to one classmate. Haha. (: Oh, and my phototaking-using-hp skill is gettig from bad to worse. Unlike people who's use to camwhoring themselves, it's been awhile since I do that. And see what happens. (:

That's Shiew Mee, me, Su Ling and Yusra's chin.

And four of us, minus my chin! (:
And oh, W16J rocks eh. (the class is as kecohrable as ever, that I swear it feels so much like ISO. )
And oh, totally out of point but, erm, what's with men and little girls' bags?



that two sentence posts.

It seems that these days my life is only filled with racists jokes, and a lot of hospital visits.

Besides that, life is pretty much normal, I think.


random update.

As said in the previous post, yes, the life has been rather hectic, I could barely catch my breathe. (as dramatic as that might sound.) As I'm celebrating the surviving of three weeks of school, and being more comfortable with the routine here, I'm looking forward to the weekends. Not that there's anything to look forward to, really. Just that nowadays, spending time at home in the comfort of my bedroom, literally rotting in front of the laptop, seems like a luxury.

Though of course, I'll be smart to not go to the extent of really rotting in front of the laptop 24/7. Recently, one woman did that for 8 hours, and somehow died. Something about not moving much and blood clotting. Sorry, I'm never good at all those Bio stuff. (:

Anyhow, I'm here to blog whatever's been happening just so this space won't look stagnant, and dead. I pretty much mix up whatever happens when, thanks to the not so superb memory, so I'll just write randomly whatever comes to mind.

So you've heard, I'm officially 18 and 5 days. (Oh, how exciting.) I know I said that this year could possibly be the worst birthday, but don't think too much about it. It really is not that bad. I'm known for being exaggeratingly over-dramatic sometimes, really. Pfft. I was just not too happy with the fact that I was going to spend my 18th birthday rotting at home, watching re-runs of holidays' specials. But anyhow, thanks for those who gave me nice presents (which I've yet to rape!) and those well-wishers. Oh, and the Swensen's ice-cream cake from the family. (:

I watched Spiderman3 with Melly after school on Wednesday, and must say that this third one rocks the previous two. (and I don't say that just because I'm easily pleased eh.) For those who haven't watch it, because of the fully booked cinemas everywhere, don't bother. Just give me a call, I can tell you the whole story. I'm such a good story-teller you'd feel like you're watching the movie already. Okay, at least that's what I think. (: It's been a laugh bugging Thumb to let me just tell him the whole story. He's been shutting his ears whenever I start talking about it. Haha. (:

The school life have been normal, with presentations everyday. I think them W16J mates are all getting bored of this "presentations-everyday" routine but it's still endurable for now. Besides the hours of rushing the project by 230pm everyday, the school is enjoyable really. I spend the breakouts having decent meals. Watching whatever movies or comedy they are showing on the screen. Playing Reversi, and losing. And staying back after school since I've got nothing better to do. And I realise some things lately.

  1. Everybody's handwriting are all looking squigglish-ly ugly (if there's such a word at all) thanks to not much writing for so long.
  2. I've been spending too much time playing msn games, out of boredom.
  3. I've been wearing one shirt at least four times in this three weeks.
  4. I need new clothes, fast.
  5. I'm missing them people very much, suddenly.

And I guess this random post is going redundant, so enough update on the otherwise exciting life. (:



the aunt's back at the hospital again. praying hard.


anti-social one.

It's been a rather hectic week, and tomorrow's officially third week of school. I've been so busy lately, I didn't have time to update on the life. That, and no time to take any pictures. Or time to meet them people. Or to stay back and slack after school, like usual. Or have any junk food. Or shop for new clothes. Or rape all my birthday presents.

Yes, my life (social and not.) is officially gone, for now.



About Her
Offically 18 on 1st May.
ITE College Central(Bishan).Republic Poly.
She reeks cynicism.
Prone to redundancies and ramblings.
Never a conversationalist.
Loud only if I know you well.
She lives for Spaghetti and Chocolates.
She just love the simple things in life.


Farah Hor.
Jie Ting.
Shiew Mee.
Sis AidahZu.
Sis Ika.



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