Do you know, reading or watching tv, or looking at the screen in the dark actually doesn't spoil the eyes, and neither does it makes you blind? Well, thanks to the Reader's Digest, I finally discover that. (Yes, exciting indeed.)
I got UT result, and I'm not exactly happy about it, much more jumping for joy. To think that this is only the first UT is not ego-boosting at all. Bruising, maybe. Boosting, no. Before I start whining about the academic life a whole of the next three paragraphs, I think I shoud just leave it to that. On a much lighter note, I can't wait for the June holidays, and the much needed rotting at home and catching up with them people (:
She's kecohrable. She's crazy. She's Zimot the Petom. And she's officially, legally, happily 20 years young! (:
I swear I accidentally blog about it. If you're wondering about what that "IT" is, it's a scene in the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. But no, I won't say what scene that is, again. You see, it was really an oversight from me to presume that everyone had watched the show. Silly me. So I happily wrote some spoilers which pretty much makes some people mad. (Oops?)
The blog have been rather boring lately, I'm even thinking of leaving it stagnant for weeks until I have something decent to write. But of course, that would be impossible. I wouldn't know what to do most of the time except posting random posts of my otherwise exciting life, really.
I got so much to say, but don't know where to start, and no time to write. So yes maybe next time.
You know, sometimes I have this sudden thought of wanting to blog something, while on the way home. And when I finally reach home, laptop out, on and the blogger logged in, I find myself staring at the screen, stone.
And I shall spare you with other school and academic details, since this entry is pretty much going redundant, and I can't think of anything that is smartly interesting to write about. This space have been rather congested with too much entries about the school routine, even I'm geting bored of it.
So yes, that's all the update of my otherwise exciting life. (:
I'm only writing this post now because I thought the picture with them people dancing around suddenly looks a little bit retarded, really. So now that I'm only
I love Indons' accents!
"We are all children of mothers who brought us screaming into the world unrequested, and have the cheek to expect us to be grateful."
The past few weeks, going to school seems to feel like going to war. No, this is not yet another dramatic whining from me. It really feels like going to war. That's, of course, minus any destructive weapons swapped behind the back and any helmets. (: But let's not start with my crap, and go out of point.
It seems that these days my life is only filled with racists jokes, and a lot of hospital visits.
As said in the previous post, yes, the life has been rather hectic, I could barely catch my breathe. (as dramatic as that might sound.) As I'm celebrating the surviving of three weeks of school, and being more comfortable with the routine here, I'm looking forward to the weekends. Not that there's anything to look forward to, really. Just that nowadays, spending time at home in the comfort of my bedroom, literally rotting in front of the laptop, seems like a luxury.
And I guess this random post is going redundant, so enough update on the otherwise exciting life. (:
the aunt's back at the hospital again. praying hard.
It's been a rather hectic week, and tomorrow's officially third week of school. I've been so busy lately, I didn't have time to update on the life. That, and no time to take any pictures. Or time to meet them people. Or to stay back and slack after school, like usual. Or have any junk food. Or shop for new clothes. Or rape all my birthday presents.