I'm not looking forward for tomorrow, because I have nothing to look forward to.
I woke up this morning (that's 15 minutes ago.) to people chattering away, people all bathed and cleaned up already, and Yana dumping me for the toilet. I was debating whether to just carry on sleeping on the four legged abode, enjoying the lazy Sunday morning, snuggling on bed, or just wake up.
To fulfil my fellow readers' requests to update (okay, just one reader.), I shall do just that.
I'm currently in the class. It's breakout time and we are supposed to be discussing about the project today. However, everyone seems to prefer doing something else. Especially me. I know nuts about physics, and the brain now is flooded with physics stuff, which I more or less, don't understand, much more care.
I'm currently in the school library, lazy to go home as usual. I didn't stayback in class as usual today because I think the guys' going to watch some porn or something, and there's no girls staying. It's still raining outside, so the more reason I don't have to go off to the home now.
It seems a little too fast that the weekend is already ending. The school's starting tomorrow and I haven't had enough with the weekend. It's been rather mundane these days, but I shall not bore you with posts, whining and ranting about the flaw to my otherwise perfect life. (though not much of a fairytale.)
The blog seems stagnant with boring posts lately. I couldn't blog anything smartly interesting nowadays, being confined to everyday routine of school. But I guess that's what the life is right now - one boring routine. But of course, not all's bad. I've had fun, at the end of the day. :)
I have so much to say, because today so rocks. Though, not as much as yesterday. The subject today was quite boring and lame. We had to make a product using recycled materials and promote it. Firstly, I was exiled from my yesterday's group, which pretty much is a bad start to the day. Secondly, my leader is too dependable that we pretty much did nothing, and he did everything. He just wanted to do eveything, and we just go with the flow. :)
I realise I was writing the typical "what I did today, when, with who, where" post yesterday found in blogs, chronicaling the everyday life of normal
It's just the second day of school , officially, and it seems to be rather hectic. Life at RP isn't as bad as I thought it would be. By now, I'm able to visualise the routine of my next three years. Presentations everyday, long breaks, and burning the laptop. It's more exciting than it sounds, really.
I can't wait for tomorrow. School have been a great fun. That's probably because of the long break and much freedom and msn-ing. Oh, and lots of sweets (thanks to those who came back from smoking over-the-overhead-bridge).
All that said, here's pretty much sums up what we learn today:
"Men have bigger ball than women"
I'm in class, it's the break. And them ISO-ers are in the canteen and chatting non-stop.
I think the previous post probably didn't do justice to the orientation. It really wasn't as bad as I made it out to be. Everything was great, except the part where "the question" was asked. For those who are not in the know, while I was at the orientation, having fun, a fellow stranger decided to be friendly with me, which really is a good thing (though, i'm more of an introvert.) At first it was decent normal conversations, and then it started to get boring. No, I was really paying attention, giving polite smiles and all, but then she (stranger) started asking "what course are you in?" (still normal) And then goes the string of boring questions which I pretty much didn't want to discuss, since we are in an orientation which is supposed to be fun.
So the orientation was not as bad as I thought it'd be. It wasn't great either. Sure, I had fun. But honestly, it wasn't near good fun I had during ITE days. We clicked a lot faster. But still, I made quite a number of new friends these two days. Yesterday was spent meeting facilitator and the class. They are quite loud, so no problem there. And the SIT batch are a funny and loud bunch. But all those things said, I've decided to not come for the second day orientation tomorrow. Just. :)
In two more days, I would be in the new school. I'll be done with the holidays much earlier, technically, thanks to the orientation on Wednesday. As I wait anxiously to embark on the new journey of life, I still have many things need to be said, clarify, and share with you, fellow readers, acquaintances, friends, and family.
I decided to went out with mom yesterday to Expo to check out the many sales going on. Now, that would normally never happen, considering that I never go out after 2 since I would be
I'm just
It was really a little dramatic I must say. It was meant to be an easy task, go down to the school, ask for withdrawal letter, and go off. It might seem like a cliche, but really, easier said than done. This sudden new-school-in-one-month matter is... undescribable. I'm a mix of happy, sad, esctatic, poignant. It really seems like an emotional rollercoaster ride.
Oh, and I know that I said I'm making an oath to stop splurging, but I guess that can wait. I think I have a new hobby. Okay, I won't call it a hobby. Obsession, maybe? I seem to been fond of shopping lately. And I don't mean walk around, see things I like, and walk off. So yes, I think I need help. A lot of help. Anyone want to lend me money? Pretty please? :))
It's funny. I kind of expected the date with the gang would be cancelled somehow. Which is not funny, if you really think about it. The whole point of that whole date is for me to meet them before school starts. And just have plain good day with them, pizza for lunch and a nice movie. And like most of the last minute plans, that date never happen. And though I'm suppose to gleefully keep back my 100 bucks in the bank, and make an oath to stop splurging, I'm still hoping that I could meet them soonest, before school starts since my instincts tells me that my school time table may be clashing with theirs. But hmph, who knows. Never trusted the instincts.