Novels have always been one of my weaknesses (the other is fast food.) And I have like four of it to finish during the holidays. If you remember, I borrowed four to last for the holiday, and now, I'm done with two of them.
I finished my second one - a 631 pages novel, no less, yesterday. :) It took me 5 hours plus some distractions, to finish them, and the makciks are pissed now. You see, I decided that the evening would be a perfect time for me to read start on the novel. And once I start, I can't stop. I just caught up in my own little world, and forgot about everything else. And when they say lights off, I was quite demented and really was determined to finish the novel before I can sleep in peace. So I read in the dark thanks to the hp light function.
Yes, sleeping at 1am to finish a novel is worthwhile to me.
You might be thinking now, get a life! But yes, I am pretty much much happier by myself, laze on the bed, and engage myself in a good book for 5 hours and not move a muscle, than watch the re-run of re-run of re-run of Mr Bean's Christmas.
It was quite irritating that them people were laughing out loud at the slightest sign of stupidity shown by Mr Bean, when they know what was coming next. I mean,
yes, it's funny and all. But not after you've watch the same thing every
bloody year when Christmas is near.
And worse, when you watch and laugh and say "this is the part where he got his head stuck under that thing!" Pfft.
Anyhow, I, no doubt, am convince that I have a better life than Mr Bean. And that's good news. :) I mean, come on, the guy sends himself Christmas cards. How sad is that?
Why am I even talking about Mr Bean in the first place? :0
So yes, whole point of these many paragraphs is I rot by reading a novel the whole day yesterday till 1am and everyone woke up late,and late for work, and conveniently blamed it on me that I slept late. Them adults have the knack of blaming anything wrong on us. And tho I hate to admit it,
sometimes most of the time, they are right.
And yes, this is one of those times that they are right.
So to stop myself from feeling guilty, and Cik Sam from keep nagging about sleeping-late, me being me, I feel obligated to help around the house. Now, for those who know me really well, don't go "oh, how sweet!" on me now.
If you're not in the know, I'm the not-so-reliable person when it comes to housework. Sweeping is not really an excitable task, isn'it? Vacuuming, maybe. And no, peeling anything once alive and now not breathing, makes me freak out.
But what to do?
I did them anyway. Have you ever peel prawns' skins? I bet you have, you reliable people you. But no, as a matter of fact, today was my first time. I swear I always think that prawns are orange, and not grey-ish. Yes, my mind is still in the "all-that-tastes-good-looks good" mode. If they would have shown me the grey prawns when I'm a kiddo, I won't still be swallowing them 12 years later. :) Oh, and my hands are still reeking of prawns.How exciting.
Ok, I know this is just random rambling. I guess I should just shut up now, before I make myself sounds more dumb-er than I already am. Yes, today you learn new things about me. I love vacuuming, and I hate peeling.
Oh, come to think of it, forget about the I-think-prawns-are-supposed-to-be-orange part, please.
I love going to people's engagements. It's less a hassle compared to weddings, and you get to eat food as delicious as weddings. Plus, it's one of those family gatherings, and all I want to do is sit around, ramble and laughing with them kecohrable cousins, not going around the place, with baskets full of tidbits to give to kiddos. You know what I mean lah.
So yes, Sunday was Kak Hyda's engagement and it was fun. Everyone chip in some stuff, and the makciks decided cupcakes would be nice, and they made like 100 of it. I helped with the counting, so I guess that counts as helping eh. Anyhow, me being me, I couldn't resist stealing a cup or two of those. :)

And what's an engagement without some presents for the to-be-bride-to-be-in-one-year-or-so. Us cousins, being us, we bought a last minute present. (And by, that I mean 2 hours before the engagement!) And we pass around a yellow paper sponsored by Faizal, and a pen, to make a card. So there they were, a cute little teddy ala a bouquet, and a yellow paper. It looks a little messy with lots of scribble, but it's the thought that counts ehh.

And I shall quote the ending of Mimi's wish to Kak Hyda - "Ni kad mahal tau!" Believe it if you want to. :)
So everything went smoothly. She was happily engaged, and we took loads of pictures.

Oh, and yes,what's engagements without lots of chocolates,eh?

And the aftermath was more fun-ish. :) We snap a little more pictures, and try to get our hands on all chocolates at sight, and try to burst the champagne-like applejuice.Oh, and almost run away with the bling bling. :)

Then, Kak Hyda decided to get us henna-ed. :)

And even Haidar joined in. :0

And here's some mugshots taken on the way home with them kiddos. :)

Monday, December 25, 2006
Dear Santa,
I don't celebrate Christmas, but I like the idea of presents. (Because they are free!) So if you are done with all the others, please drop by here at Haigsville. I've been good, and I'm easily pleased. A nice McD's breakfast takeaway would be nice.
Oh, wait. I don't have a Christmas tree. I hope the Mango tree downstairs will do ehh.
Cheers, Santa.
ps; I love your beard and the bulging stomachHo ho ho! :)
Friday, December 22, 2006
I'm having the urge to write something, tho I have nothing much to write about thanks to the oh-so-not-interesting life I'm having now. So yes, this is one of those entries where I'll write anything randomly, whatever that comes to mind, and you make what of it.
So if you're still not in the know, I'm having a little mission in my life right now, and it is nothing that I should be proud about. And that mission is to try appreciate things at home that I already have, which can kill boredom, and thus, not wasting those money spent on these things. And by that, I'm referring to the television, the computer and the radio and the vcd player. You get my drift - those stuff meant to entertain bored souls, in need of some oxygen and lots of good food. (read; get a
bloody life!)
So there I was, the whole of yesterday, rotting at home, as per usual, burning the computer for god-knows how-long. I swear if the computer can talk, it would be begging for mercy. But I can't help it, really. The tv channels are showing re-runs of re-runs which is super irritating.
To put a long-winded story short, I was rotting in front of the computer when them kiddos save my life. They decided that they should play "restaurant-restaurant" again. Now, for those of you who is not in touch with your childhood days (whatever that means.) , in the Kiddie's World, "restaurant-restaurant" is play-acting like you own or work or eat in a restaurant. So you're either the boss, or the waiter, or the chef, or the customer.
if you're greedy and wants to be all, no one's going to play with you. From experience (chey.) kids will not really love to be the customer who sits and eat and come back the next day and do it again, because it's pure boringness, and usually no real food is involved.
And that's where I come in and do all the not so fun part. I'm the customer who eat imaginary fries and chips. I know, how exciting.I don't know how this game came about, and which smart people invent it, since even I play it when I was a kiddo too. But yes, it kills time. Plus, it makes the kiddos feel businessmen-ish, if you know what I mean. And you never know, these might be budding enterpreneurs in the making eh. :)
For all you know, even Donald Trump might have played "restaurant-restaurant" in his childhood ages ages ago. So yes, my whole point of all this is I had quite a fine way to kill time yesterday. Not that I'm complaining rotting at home. Believe me, you can say rotting at home is my forte.
And also writing redundant posts too.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I just went back from the National Library after borrowing one whole stash of novels to last me the whole holiday, and also going to the Bedok Campus exhibition.
Yes, I was at an art exhibiton, admiring all those works, and borrowing novels at a library like a true no-life-er. Anyhow, tho I'm not really the arty farty kind of person, Bro's been bugging us to go see his works. To be honest, we went all the way to Bugis just to see his and Kak Ika's works.
I know, we are sweet little sisters.
So anyhow, it was raining a little too much yesterday, but I'm not complaining. I like it that way, cool weather and all. It really helps with my rotting time, making it more erm, exciting? So yes, I stayed at home the whole day yesterday.
I was whining about being bored, about lazy to go out anywhere and get a life and missing some people badly. My lazy nerve was creeping in me, so I wasn't going to go out anytime soon. So when I'm bored, I started to think straight, and try to find something useful to do and exercise my lazy bones.
By then, my Giant Book Of Sudoku, already shrouded with dusts, was off the shelf. 18 half-solved puzzles later, I got bored and decided that YouTube will kill my boredom. And the rest of the day, like on Monday, I had a great laugh watching all Who's Line Is It Anyway? episodes. After many many many (many) videos later, I watched the Wish Upon A Star show, to pass the time and like always, it got boring. If you haven't notice yet, (that is, if your life is lame enough for you to have the time to watch the show), all Gurmit's dialogue every week is " How do you feel working with *insert the Idol name*. Pfft. Yes, lame question in lame show for lame people with lame life. Anyhow, after the show, and lots of banana fritters later, wise old me realised that I haven't been doing useful productive things, and so I searched for all the stuff. And by 10pm, my TPS book and notebook and all the markers were all over my bed.
And people,
yes, I was studying, hokay. I mean really super concentrated concentration concentrating no-nonsense kind of study leh. So let's give me a huge, loud cheer. * hiphiphurraytoiyl*
Now, if you haven't realise yet, there's only one "rotting" word in this entry = I didn't rot too much = very very good tau. So, yes, I'm so proud of me. And you should, too.
Because this bestfriend, good friend, friend, cousin,
sister, and aquaintance of yours is so bloody good girl uh. (Right.)
And now, she shall watch some YouTube videos for some laugh. Again.
I have no life. Can you tell?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I started the day with the kiddos' usual banter and hyper maximum voices filling the whole house while I was still in bed, recovering from that dream of all the already-dead peoples I know. (It's scary and all, but let's not get into that.) It's just 8 am in the freaking lazy, cold, holiday morning, and there they were being them, laughing and fighting and screaming and trying to murder each other.I can't help but intervene, and ask them to shut up. "Want to fight, fight at your house lahh" That's the only eight words I uttered, and what happened? Apparently, that is equals to me chasing them out of the house, which makes me sound like some mean bitch and I'm the bad woman here, and them the innocent people who just happen to make fighting their everyday habit.And so that pretty much sums up the "Whatthehell" post. I was pissed. And come to think of it, it was just a childish spat with kiddos. So yes, it was unncessary and I don't see the whole point of this whole entry.Cheers?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Yesterday was raining raining raining. And nope, I wasn't rotting rotting rotting at home. Of course it would have been a superb idea to just have a long nap since it was raining, and the cool weather was super tempting. But no, we promised them kiddos that we were going to accompany them to TM. So off we go,
dancing walking in the rain. This is usually the part where I'll say "HOW EXCITING."
So yes, HOW EXCITING. :)
There's this show for kiddos going on at century square and we stand around to watch it. Those baby looney tunes mascots are super cute uh. Even I got excited. And Yana got excited. And the kiddos got excited. And we stood around until it finished. ( talking about wasting time!)

Oh, we had a laugh too. One of the song goes..
If you're looney and you know it clap your hand.. *clap clap* (x2)
If you're looney and you know it, and you really want to show it,
And when we went home, it was raining. And Yana being Yana being my sister, she decided to be an "angel" and lend this freaky-looking total stranger nyonya her umbrella, and walk her to the her block, and came back half wet.

And thanks to them people for having a second rotting day with me. :)

So now, I'm wide awake and the others are still snoring sleeping away. In other words, I'm the only one breathing and alive right now because I couldn't sleep back. And I had planned to sleep till 11 am. But no, I gave up after I stared at the ceiling for God-knows-how-long.
And I wonder what rotting things I'm going to do this rotting day.
So much for holy-day ehh.
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Holiday

So I watched The Holiday just now, after school.
Yes, that's after I watch Open Season last Friday. But anyhow, the movie's nice. Just nice. Not as great as I expected, and not as bad as Shuhui expected. So yes, that's just nice. It was a little funny, sweet, romantic and aww-ness kind of show. I enjoyed it, and the movie was nice.
Minus the first part where there's British accent, and I really can't stand it.
And that Jack Black's in it.
And he sings a little.
And Jude Law's having daughters was almost an anti-climax.
And Jude Law's hp rang two times, and there's his daughters' names in it.
It's either they have their own hp (for 6 and 9 years-ish kiddos? lucky them) or they live in different homes.And Jude Law cried.
And Kate Winslet is such a dumb woman.
Yes, the movie was nice. (sorry, my vocabulary is limited.hah) And yes, I'm easily pleased.
Anyhow, I had great company, and I had fun ehh. :)

So yep, I started my holiday by watching The Holiday. huak huak. I know - I'm
so funny. -_- So finally, the holiday's here. Three weeks no school = no ISO= no crazy people = no life. I'm replaying my housewife role yet again. Like you, him, her, them, I'm going to miss ISO. gahh.
No more taking little naps, and get distracted from lesson. And snapping pictures during lessons. And have face painting or nail painting or anything else. In short, no more art class for three weeks! sheesh.

Oh, and I was mentioning to Kin when we were walking home, "Sekarang, dahh holiday, apeseh aku nak buat. Mesti boring!" And Kin being Kin being Kin, she put it bluntly..
"Aku ade keje. Kau takde. Padan muka. Kau duk rumah makan tidur, makan tidur."
And it dawned on me, that yes hor, I'm going to be the only one whose not working, and am going to rot at home. And I'm not even desperate to fnd a job or anything. That's what Yana mention to me that day. Everyone got a job except us, and we don't really care. And not desperate to find one.
We are really not normal ehh.
And because I'm in a happy holiday mood, and I have nothing better to do, I got an inspiration to write a poem. (Right.)
Kin ade keje.
Jay ade keje.
Mel ade keje.
Zimot carik keje.
Takde keje, duk one corner korek hidung je!
So it doesn't exactly rhyme the poem-ish way but at least I tried eh.So I guess you'll be seeing a lot of the word "rotting" these few posts onwards.And I'm done with this one. :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I know I said I can't wait for the holidays, but I didn't say I wanted an earlier holiday ehh. So much for healthy lifestyle. Cheers?
The best thing about having a twin and taking pictures together is that we can use the picture for guessing games.
Hint: Even we don't know the answer! :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I watched this with Yana yesterday and we laughed ourselves silly. It's so damn funny lahh.
So people, have a good laugh! ps; Open your eyes big big to read, just in case you can't understand his accent:)
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I just read
The Evil Twin's blog and I'm laughing myself silly. Because she go and put up all those retarded photos of us and the kiddos. :)
Which makes me jealous that I'm missing all the fun ehh.
The holidays' in four days time and I can't wait to rot at home with them people and play with them and go jogging.
healthy lifestyle, beb. :)Anyhow,I'm in a happy happy mood. I'm done paying all the money I owe Yana, and she's paid what she owed. Trust Yana to do all the calculations. She was rambling non-stop
"this one for the ice-cream..blah blah..divide by two...blah blah". Gahh. It was driving me crazy sehh. We spend too much this few weeks thanks to the holidays and them kiddos, we paid for their arcade, and the movies and nerds sweet and ice-cream and taxi fare. We are sooo
bloody sweet, hokay. But we are also lame. kental bacin.we lame people have declared it on paper. Just in case. :)

Yes, rotting at home with lame people will do me good.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I can't believe I forget to announce this yesterday, but here it goes...
My kakak sedare yang jambu lagi cute aidahzu is pregnant!!!Yep, one more kiddo to join the little Kiddy's Club.
Congratulation to me for getting another nephew/niece soon ehh! :)
Friday, December 08, 2006
We went out with them kiddos and we watched Open Season.
I watch Open Season. Eventhough the last thing I would spend my10 bucks on is some animation movie, which I always swear I would never waste my money on.
But I laughed myself silly. Because the movie is super funny. And because the ticket was free. :)
After that, we went to IKEA Tampines. It was perfect timing because I was feeling Debbie Travis-ish. Anyhow, they have this playroom for kids and it look super fascinating that even I want to jump in the fun, and be a 4 year old again. One problem : Only kids who are 90cm-130 cm
tall short is allowed in.
Haidar being Haidar, don't want to go in and play alone without his Kak Iqah.
His Kak Iqah being Iqah, is already a little over 130cm.
So we tried our luck and those staff insisted that she's not allowed in because she's over the limit height.
Now, I'm not trying to be a drama-mama here, but which stupid idiot came up with the stupid limit height. It's so lame and not very smart. It's not the child's fault that she have the tall genes from her super tall dad. And maybe she's tall because she drinks a lot of milk, which is good for a child.
yes, ended up, none of them went in and play and jump around and be crazy like any normal kids. Just because there's a "discrimination" against horizontally-challenged kids who have good genes and drinks a lot of milk.
So yes, you get the picture. I was p.i.s.s.e.d.
don't worry, be happy, that little thing didn't spoil my mood :) Remember I said I was feeling Debbie Travis-ish? Well, if you haven't know, while last last last time, when I was rotting at home, and thinking about life, I decided I must know what I want to do with my life.To put a long story short, I was convinced that I'm going to be an interior designer after watching too much of daytime tv of home makeovers. ( Of course, that is after I convince myself that I want to be a doctor, chef, and then writer) .
By now, you must already be figuring out that I'm trying to make a point here. So my point is my feeling "Debbie Travis-ish" means I'm thinking of revamping my room. This is one of those moments where I'll draw up some kind of floorplan of my bedroom and decides on a new facelift for the room.
And that's why my going to IKEA feasting my eyes on furnitures that I know I'll never have anytime soon makes me in a happy happy mood. :)
Oh, I was planning of complaining and ranting about why having to share room is very not fun sometimes because I need to make The Other like whatever facelift I'm trying to make.
But Yana have already dream up the day she can kick me out of the room.
I don't blame her. I'm waiting for the day too.Just that in my mind, she's the one who's getting the kicking out. HAHA. :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I'm having the urge to write, but I don't have anything much to rant about.So I'll just write my musing and random thoughts, whatever that comes to my mind.
The paper today had this 4-page article on Malay community's achievements and what not. I don't know what to make of it. I didn't realise that the community is under the scrutiny of people. That there's this mindset of malays= never the smartest at education, never the healthiest in health, never the better at anything.But high in drugs, crime and everything else.I don't know if I should feel embarassed, angry or sympathise with us. I'm never one to be prone of anything politics.So I guess I should just shut up and wait for Prison Break eh.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
So I had the best weekend last last Sunday. My handphone is already clogged up with all the pictures and it's taking too much space, so I shall finally upload loads of the pictures now. :)
If you haven't know yet, last last Sunday I went back to Pontian over the weekend with them family. And boy, was it fun. Just in case you start asking,
"Eh, you got kampung?" Nope.
I have happily make Pontian my kampung ( you can say its my "adoptive kampung! haha.) Because:
1. Sadly, being a Singaporean, I have no kampung.
2. I like the idea of being an orang kampung when I feel like it.
3. I love chicken. (!!)
So yes, minus the fact that I don't pay for the land, and I don't own the land.Or the house.Or the bike. Yes, that's my, their, our kampung. :) It's been awhile since we went back there, so you can imaginehow excited I was. I came all prepared for the long journey in the van, being sandwiched in between mom and the window.
This chewing gums really helps to kill time, I tell you. :)

And trying to snap pictures of bull, cow or anything you'll never find roaming at the side of the road in Singapore. 
Actually, there's much more pictures I snapped of those cows, but yes, I think you get the picture how restless I was.Anyhow, when we finally reached the house, the five cars had already been parked and them people were already resting.

Being back at the kampung is evocative of those childhood days when everything were much much more dirty and uncomfortable. I remember we practically tried our best to not go to the toilet because it's not in the house, and doing it in the middle of the night is eerie.
Anyhow, we just laze around the house the rest of the day. Swinging ourselves mindlessly, walking down the lane to nowhere, standing on the almost rocking bridge. And yes, we had fun. :)

So, us being us, we got a little excited when we saw Cik Anya holding this knife-like thing looking murderous

But don't worry, be happy... them adults were just going to collect some ubi (what's that in english eh?) And yes, we find that super fascinating.HAH. :)

We got a little crazy when we saw chicken. hen. or whichever you call them. We shouted "Eh, ayam!!AYAM!!! AYAAAMMM!!" :) And played some catching with them, until they disappear into the woods. I don't blame them, if I'm a chicken, I think I'll be scared of us too. Haha.

And so the rest of the day goes on with us walking up and down the lane, snapping more pictures, eating prawns thanks to Kak Myra's motherly instinct that we are hungry but lazy to get some food, and we murdered some mosquitoes along the way.

We also discovered old, long lost
cringe-worthy kentalness photos, and a toy I had like 13 years ago, still in good shape. And I swear I don't know how it landed all the way there. Hmmm.

And of course, we didn't came all the way across the Causeway just to play catching with chickens and murder mosquitoes.I finally met my long long lost cousin, Abang Iwan after many many many years. (He was my hero for 1 hour, 12 years ago when he agreed to play with us kiddos "aeroplane" and legos.HAH.) And Cik Anya's family was really a great host uh.Have I said we had fun fun fun?!!

And yes, it was time to go home...