Oh my. Long time since I last blog,yes? The computer's still resting in peace. Long long long time not blogging and using the computer sucks. I don't mean to be dramatic here,but no computer for a week felt so....funny? It felt like a lost child without a mother. Like ice cream without cone. Like chicken rice without the chicken. Like Paul Twohil without his hair. You get the drift. :)
So anyhow,loads been happening,
which I don't know where to start.So this is just random what's been happenings and you just make what of it ks.
The little mugging session that day rocks. I don't know about them, but I pretty much make sense out anything there is to make sense of. Exam was alright. And I'm having my term break now, and I'm trying to figure out what to do for these few weeks. (Though I've pretty much figure out the rotting-at-home bit.)
Fast forward, the makciks went to Terengganu over the weekend,so we had the whole of Saturday to ourselves. Bro and Yana was enjoying the late Friday night while I slept like a log. (yay?) Then the Saturday was pretty much wasted on the tv. We had 50 bucks just for the three of us. Gave bro 15 bucks and we spend the rest of the money. :) For lunch, KFC buddy meals. Dinner we had a McD's delivery since we were desperately famished and it was already night.
Now, some might say this is like a waste of money, with all these fast foods that I've eaten oh so super many many times. But, may I defend myself that : if
wasting spending money is what it takes to
not get the house on fire
and us poor abandoned sisters fried alive, then yes, it was worth the money,hokay. :)
Alright, I confess that I know nuts about cooking and a sucker when it's about eating.Anyhow, there's nothing much to blog about now. So much pictures to upload, but i know, you know, we know, that my computer died. So let's just leave it to that eh.
Now, maybe I shall not blog for a week or so. Unless,of course, if I have nothing better to do,and would go all the way to Bugis' National Library just to use the computer and blog, like now. :)
ps; I just read my tagboard and it's flooded by indons lahh. haha :)
pps; I know this is so out of point, but
Hady Mirza rock!!
Alright.Those three posts before are pure crap.You have no idea how much I miss rotting in front of the com. I have lot lot lot lots to talk about ,but I don't know where to start.But it's all old news anyway,so I guess I'll just leave it to that. :)
But anyhow,this is so random.First of all,I'm in a so happy happy mood because I just finish that damn OA project.Less stuff to crap my brain over.whee.Thanks to Yana for staying up with me. :)
Oh,and did I,did I,did I tell you?!! These few days,I'm obssessed with bahasa indon (!!) I say all those words that I know.Like "Gue" "enggak" "ngomong-ngomong" "capek" "sih" "dong" "kek" yes,yes.sounds silly but wheehee.
Gue suka banget sama bahasa indon sih!! :)Anyhow,besides that, there's pretty much nothing funny happening.All those studies and exam nerves (not to mention lazy nerves) are getting to me.Oh,unless of course, you counts my being a smart ass and did the most difficult stunt of my life - turning an already filled MacD's coke 180 degrees after it plunged
heads cap down - funny.
But no.There's nothing funny.Exam's next week,I need help help help and I need it now.So tomorrow,no school,I'll happily sincerely desperately go mug mug mug.
So all you people,kamu kamu,korang korang,lu lu,mari kita semua go mem-belajarkan diri.Gue semangat,dong.Enggak cancel-mengcancel ye.
Gue desperado Al-gilaleh.CHEERS?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Alright,I know this is my third post.But I can't help it!!! Just want to comment on yesterday "teacher writes idiot on
bloody student's paper". Shocking.
Fuck the student lah.ugh.
Oh,and since I have no time to reply all the tag
thanks to the bloody computer I might as well do it now...
short and sweet.
To Farah and Farz; thanks for making my tagboard like a chatroom.SO convenient ehh. "Anything kat sini jer lah eh". RIGHT. :)
To Jay and Zimah; I've said it before and I'll say it again...so much for studying!! bleah.
Ok,I'm so done.
I have so much to say.But not today.We'll see,maybe when I have the time. Still deprived of the computer since it died on Friday.(drama!!) But yes,life's boring without it.
Plus I have a pending oa project to crap my brain over.hah.
And Mel's standing right beside me seeing what I'm blogging.Kepo nenek. :)
Anyhow,I'm at Bishan Library.And this place super cool,hokay.
And I won't start whining and moaning about the death of the computer.I'm sooo...sad?
Oh fuck.This post is going nowhere.And super crap.
Till long long long time when I finally blog...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The computer's being a bitch of all times.I cancelled my study date with them people just for the OA project,and what happen?
It got jammed or something.I don't care whatthehell is the problem.All I know is that when I really needed to use it for something useful (like a project due in two days) it
fucking died.
I'm at the kiddo's house to use their computer. :) Sleeping over,of course.So much todo,so little time.But anyhow,I'll do what I can.Maybe even beg Liao for another day postpone.(I know,fat hope,but still...)
Oh,and I just found out that them people cancelled the study date in the end.Kin's exact word was
"Haha.Zimah cancel last min.so aku cancel tros.haha."So much for studying.Pfft.