'O' my gosh.
its over.
i'm a free bird baybeh!!!whee.
so the day didn't start as smoothly as expected.
first of all.tho i was sleeping like at 1130 yest,I was like technically half asleep.couldn't help thinking about the result and all.and just when i was about to doze off,dear dayah had to send me a msg.and it kind of woke me up.and get sis' grumble.
thanx for the sweet msg,dear.so miss farah hor was late for our date.and sis already went off with her friend.when she finally
finally reach,we went off to eat pathetic cheese fries.trying hard not to think about the result stuff.but of course,can't help talking about it.then we wander off to tm.lepaks.there were many people in uniforms,so it doesn't really help at all.first we were off to the archade,and had one round of car race.guess who won???ME. (farah,you can run.but i can drive okkk...whoo.huhu)this is for you dong.... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!huhu.so after that took some neoprints out of boringness,and it turn out pretty well.whee.it was really raining,so i can't help getting myself wet.so much for distress.all the cold made me nak ter-pee.but aku try tahan jugak...when we reached there,didn't get a nervous breakdown or anything,just erm,nervous.saw some of the chinese girls,but didn't have the mood to chat or anything.i was
nervous,nervous,nervous.farah even said that she hoped the result is like next year.correction:i thought the result should not even be given to students.like everyone gets to go wherever they want,mind their own business,and don't have to deal with all this waiting for a piece of paper.then again.the teachers wouldn't even have a job.so yah..
the waiting was really really loonnnggg...as expected mr "nosehair" neo had to deliver a long-winded speech.finally THE judgement time.whoo drama-mama.nerve-racking lahh.i kept calling sis and then farah.then texting them,and bro.and kept calling home.and the makciks got all excited,tho,i haven't get the result or anything.hee.
my fingers tend to meng-gatal wanting to press press and texting people if i'm nervous.half-bored.bored.or totally bored.the teachers all came in.and mr hafiz suddenly halt beside me.and said "
how you think you did?", i just put my shoulders up.(
you know,when you want to tell someone you have no idea.) then he goes
"i think i will get slapped." whoa.that just made me more nervous.
i didn't realise how big no 11 is until today.we were given the slips according to register no,and i'm the 11th.and it was freaking long.he had to say some stuff.show some papers and all.so it was a looonnnggg wait.
there was a lot of talking and
kurang asam-ness from him when he told me i did exaggeratedly VERY badly.liar. so i'm kind of satisfied with my result,tho,i thought i could do better for some of the subjects.sheesh.i won't publish my result in my blog,obviously.you people won't really want to know annyywaaay...
enough about the result stuff.
after that i thought of treating farah as promised.but mom showed up at school.unannounced.
sorry to dong hor,for dumping you for my mom.hee.
so i hangout with mom and wait for yana.sounds weird,but yah.
lots of msg-ings from well-wishers and all.
and we were off to home.whee.
and i'm dead beat right now.i'm done.
for those-who-wants-to-know: i didn't slap mr hellboy hafiz.not cos i'm scared.i'm sparing him.for now.shoo.
that nice neoprint we took before the result.whoo.nice hor?
and i'll end this thing with quote of the day...
But you fail my science,cuckoo!!-mr hafiz
kismet or not?
I really don't know where to start.
I'm really,really bracing myself for tmr.can't help being nervous.and scared.I'm already imagining some situations that could happen tmr,which according to farah, the Judgement Day.whoo.drama?no,it really is THAT scary.
so there's high possibility that I might cry.
(which I promise someone I won't will try not to)only He knows why I would cry.maybe of despair and shock.maybe not.I'm still praying really hard.And hopefully tmr,when I've reach the hall,I won't have a nervous breakdown or anything.
which is why I'm hoping that the "calm me.calm you." session I'm having with farah before the result tmr will somehow ease off the pressure and all.just hangout and lunch,to get the pressure off
.you know,there's days which everyone wish they could undo.
days that could change your whole life...
well,I've been thinking about it.and how I wish I could have listen to mr hafiz,when he gave me all those hints.lectures.reality check.and a lot of advises.
It affected me,but just for awhile.
of course,not until the m.p.s.
too late for realisation or regrets,isn't it?
what more can I do?I know I've done my very best.
the anticipation of the result is crucifying.
it keeps nagging me.
how will i do?
how will it be?
how will i react?
only He knows how agonising this wait is.
and hopefully,i do okay.
funny how your future is determined by a piece of paper.(quoted from iyloo)weird but true.
24 hours and a sleepless long night.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I know.I said I won't be blogging for a week.
can't help myself.
life is pretty mundane right now.
result in three days time.
more than 48 hours,but less then a month.
three months is too fast.
and i'm panicking.
just signed in just now and guess who sent me an instant msg.
MR "hellboy"
ya,i freaked out.
Dreamcatcher: you better pray hard for friday.elyanee: (still shock) yes sir.Dreamcatcher: Anyway,good luck.elyanee: thanx.elyanee: hope its going to be alright.Insyaallah...Dreamcatcher: Praise be to God.elyanee: (clueless and still have shock) amin.Dreamcatcher: wasalam...elyanee: (dared by sis) ckg.elyanee: rmbr you said if i prove you wrong...elyanee: and i actually make it...Dreamcatcher: good...prove me wrong...elyanee: i can slap your face...elyanee: rmbr?Dreamcatcher: yup...it still stands...elyanee: ok deal.Dreamcatcher: we'll see...Allah is Great.So that was pretty much our conversation.
hell,I can't believe I actually asked him that
.(somebody kill me please!!)now i'm convinced i'm going bonkers.
me and my mouth.agh.but really...if it actually happens...and i can do you-know-what to you-know-who...
erm,anyone else in??hee.
shut up iyl.
i'm panicking.and praying hard.
you should to.
if not for you,then at least pray for me can.
the result's out friday..230pm.
people,spread the news,share the grieve.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
dear readers...
I will not be blogging till next week due to pressure of the 'o' level result.and thus,i need to prepare myself physically,mentally,and emotionally.so pray for me.pray hard.and don't miss me too much ks.bb.
Friday, February 03, 2006
aww me.
dear miss shuhui stood me up last minute because of her work.and i'm basically bored and don't know what to do right now.
: ( we were suppose to go to ngee ann poly openhouse.and i didn't have anyone else to go with me.sis didn't want to go.and farah went yest with some mr Amin Hor.and she couldn't accompany me tmr either.and neither does shuhui.agh.
but then again.i'm not exactly desperate to go to ngee ann poly.or any poly for that matter.just desperate for the O' level result.urgh.heard from hopefully-not-reliable source that its going to be out this monday.isshhh.so fast seyy...i'm not really excited to see mr hellboy again,that's for sure.erk.if i make it its yay yay.
and mr hafiz said if i actually make it and prove him wrong,i can slap his face!!that would be like sooo gerekkk!!whee. but of course if i don't make it*touchwood and everything else*...erm,i won't there to even think about it ah.i'm officially panic right now.help.(
i haven't had enougghhh fuunnn this three months!!!)okay enough sad sad.
today nothing much been happening.did some marketing.alone.and i swear i look so lost.and some erm,"cooking".yah,i'm that bored.like really nothing better to do stuck at home.yet again.yay??
anything..i'm still waiting for a movie date with shu.another one with farah hor,and also sis and dearest-est liana anak atan. yay.
and i think i have enough of this.shoo people.
i'll sum up today's entry with thisss...

guess who this is?hint:it's not me.never.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
wo study hua yu hui hua
yest's mandarin class was
superbly fantabulous.was really fun with all the kecoh-ness and everyone laughing at everyone else.except of course,if YOU're the one being laughed at.the teacher is very erm,nice i guess.and she basically teach us to speak.wow?hahahaha.it felt like being back to nursery school like that.hee.can't wait for the next lesson!!!whee.and hopefully i'm not late like yest.ishh...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
i've been being
hyper-sensitive lately.don't know why.since i've just finished being attack by japan.agh.so basically,since don't know when,i really really get hurt and kind of have a mental disorder if anyone says i'm stupid.which i know they don't really mean it.but agh.you know, it just gets to you.they'll go "
bodoh ah!" or
"jangan jadi bodoh!" or "
biarkan dia tak pandai!".urgh.it's just the way they talk you know.and like i said they really don't mean it.it's just the way it is.all i did was just shut up and feign ignorance.not react violently or anything,despite my unusual state of mind this few days.
but no worry,i think it's just that 'o' level result pressure nearing.agh.god help me.like any other normal human being waiting for that nerve-racking moment...i'm actually quite nervous and all.and that suck.like the same feeling last time when i was late for school,and had to face mr hafiz's interrogation.you know,when he make you stand at attention and speak out loud.isshh....
scary beb!!enough about all the pressure2 thing.it really doesn't help talking about it.
yest was just lots of slacking at home.and us being potato couchs.coaches.or whatever.the tv was literally burning.and we had to switch to the bedroom tv after watching since morning till noon.isshh...
on monday we went to that
awal muharram thing at expo.and yah.it was fuunn..like thousands of people.and we have solat jemaah.lucky for me japan surrendered on time.yay.=) and it ended later than expected.but yeah.thank God i was there.no regrets.for the prayers.the intense chant of prayers.tho,i'm no fan of nasyid musics and all,have to say..hijjaz was really great.i was enjoying myself till the ennddd...whee.
these last few days at home have been hectic,with the makciks asking us to help with the chores and all.which means i couldn't read my 6th book SNOBS in peace.agh.and i barely have time to use the com either.urrhh.
and i'm done for now.