yesterday's picnic was happening lahs.the sand and sea.lunch by the beach.with loads of good food.and huge family gathering.whoo.not everyone were there,tho.so less kecoh-ness.and we were short of one tent.ahh.but everything went well.the weather was fine.yay.and the place was crowded with loads of people overnight there.complete with their strings for hang clothes.and cooking stuffs.haiyo.
over you...so i couldn't resist the sea.and went in earlier then expected.but hell.loads of fuunnn..plunged inside with my scarf and all okaayy..ishh.it was reallll fun.tho i forgot to put som sunscreen lotion or something.mum was so furious.hahahaha.my face was red hot with all the heat and being in there like almost an hour.whoo.
waiting for my sunburn now.agh.anyway,the fun was that even cik ain and mum went in and swim.hee.
supporting lah beb!!the kids were the ones who made everything more interesting.and kecoh.haidar with his pail of sea water going around sabo-ing people.with harith his partner in crime.and iqah.and hani.hahaha.
gerek ah...even hana sofia swam inside.and qaisarah.aww.cute.she was struggling to clinge on kk aidah when we were splashing the water.hahaha.
okay lah...enough for now.i'm still recovering from yest's headaches.urhh.irritating!!!and now here's some pics from yest's picnic.

tents up.food out.

annual conference.

haidar.ready to hit the sea.whoo.



kk myra and iqah.lepaks.

yana.obsessed with lina's phone.

syirah and haidar.

kerja dorang lah nie.

getting wet.



sofie.loving the attention.lol.

haidar.with his new hairdo.thanks to yana.

me with zuhai.posing on the rock.

we're lovin' it,baybeh!



the guys.finally playing football.

going home already.agh.
cookies crazee..
today was my debut attempt to make some cookies.and boy,it turned out really
goooddd.loads of
chocolate chips.had like six trays of them.started out by myself.but got some help from the makciks.
(thanks baybehs!) have to admit tho,there was some almost-burnt ones.and oversize.out of shape.but most of it was perfecto.whee.and i'm not praising myself,or gloating or anything.
tho,i'm really impress with myself.eherm,i deserve some credits okaaay...the chocolate chip cookies were absolutely delicious.the sweet aroma.
of some burnt cookies and that salivating temptation you get when you have trays of "delicious looking,hot and make-you-drool" cookies right in front of you.aww.
burping heaven!!!whoo.
jangan mareh hor...
thought of giving some of it to farah hor,but she change her plan of meeting me.oh well...it's her loss...
HAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!what's potatoes???you can't eat them raw.boo farah.cookies are better.
i don't need knifes.just use my hands.and do it with love baybeh!!!!shush.
and to those who think that i'm puji-ing myself,kembang-ing or anything.
you're right!!like a quote from a Singapore Idol advert....
Friday, January 27, 2006
tired tired
today was pretty hectic.my plan to go out was cancelled last min.so had to stay at home.and do stuff.let's see.pretty much loads have been done by now...
1)accompany cik yah to the clinic.
2)make her breakfast of just toasted bread.
3)give her medicines.
4)finish my 5th book.
5)get started on my 6th.(snobs)
6)go down to buy the papers.
7)finish my new reader's digest.
8)bought ingredients for tomorrow's choc cookies.
9)cleanup the house for guests coming later.
the tired-est,craziest,hectic-est day of my whole week attempt of being a good girl,not hopeless.even almost slashed my finger with a knife.in my attempt to cut freaking potatoes.agh.now i think i've had enough for today.can't wait for sunday's huge get-together family picnic.
everyone get your "swimsuits" ready!kite attack the beach,yok.actually would love to blabber about yesterday's american idol.but i'm really beat right now.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
joke of the day.
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, he's a doctor.'" A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher; ...she's dead."haha.funny right?
kekek abis...anyone who don't get the joke...
food is good.
food is goodyest was superb.had a burping night.dinner was heaven,with
homemade croissants,puffs and prata.whoo.
gerek giler...and i was being a
good girl helping out with the cooking and all.(aww.)and i help to "clear up" the leftovers during breakfast.
it's ok...my pleasure...hahahaha.
burps.i don't know why,but i feel like cooking something.just get into the kitchen and do something,you know.just really bored.going to bake some
chocolate cookies saturday.so yah.if anyone wants to try it...erm,do it yourself!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
just for the idol-niacs.again.
anyone watch american idol just now??!!that's the only show worth watching right now so yah.don't mind blabber about it this whole entry.yay?sooo.....there's the "horizontally-big" african-amercan woman with the
fakeblonde hair.she was all *bleep**bleep**bleep*.everywhere.gosh.retarded.and the michael jackson wannabe who goes "
oh crap" hahhaha.joker.and that idiot who supposedly sang a mj song but goes "
aaaaaaaaeeeeee something something"(sorry couldn't make out what he sang.yah.he was
THAT bad.agh.) besides all these jokers,there's one who takes the cake.the guy who sang the alladin theme song!!!(complete with a freaking "carpet")hahahaha.
kekek-kekek...but,anything.i'm still haunted by the sheriff song lah.agh.can't help it...
i shot the sheriff...but i didn't shoot the deputy.aiiii...bla bla bla....ok enough american idol.i'm sick.i'm reallly a sucker when it comes to this lahs...haix.it's just less bitchy.and depressing then other shows.speaking of which
america's next top model is on.agh.lots of bitching.it's entertaining and all.but really.too much of bitching and mitching is very unhealthy you know.lol.just glad
the apprentice is shown days after that show.loads of bitching too,that show.
depressing tau..haiyo.ouh,i just miss this guy.cute right?? so innocent...hahaha.aww.
posing seyy...
ok...nights,lovely people!
Monday, January 23, 2006
i'm having this urge to revamp my whole bedroom.with just one bed.and few new furnishing.that would be great lahs.two beds are suddenly two crowd-ish.which means one of us have to sleep on the matress while the other have the luxury of sleeping on the bed.haix.its kind of a bad idea.since i know,even sis wants the bed.but maybe we'll think of a compromise later.hopefully soon.can't wait for the new look.IF it actually happens.urgh.i have everything planned out and drawn.semangat-ness.hahaha.
to yana: we need a facelift.fast.till if-i'm-bored-again...maybe i'll do those survey.
i'm done.
bsb is in town!!! and i'm not going to their concert.so yah.whatever.
survey crap.
survey craps. Your Irish Name Is... |
Ennis Hughes |
Your Superhero Profile |
Your Superhero Name is The Tomorrow MutantYour Superpower is X-Ray VisionYour Weakness is RainYour Weapon is Your Vibro DartsYour Mode of Transportation is Snowboard |
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Momo Kawashi |
What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
You Are 16 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
In a Past Life... |
You Were: A Kind Fortune Teller. Where You Lived: Ontario. How You Died: Natural causes. |
Who Were You In a Past Life?
okay.i'm done doing this shit.will do it again if i get bored.
did some survey at blogthings.com out of boring-ness.and guess what i am?a monster who torments her evil twin.and also a deer.a freaking deer.erm,yay?
Your Monster Profile |
Twisted Hunter You Feast On: Lasanga You Lurk Around In: The Backseats of Cars You Especially Like to Torment: Your Evil Twin |
me a deer.
me a deer...a female deer...
Your Animal Personality |
Your Power Animal: Deer Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker.While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational. |
going to expo on the
30th for awal muharram.can't wait lahs.it's going to be heaven-ish.like every year.with the high air-conditioner.thousands of people.and loads of zikir-ing till late night.whee.andd...hijjaz is going to be there this year.erm,not that i care.or am any fan of them
.hell i don't even really listen to nasyids...but really.that event is going to be great.like you're in a holy place.wow?and
farrurazi is so gonna rock the house,baybeh!yay?lol.
minus all that...heard that we are going to have a
picnic this sunday.hopefully its confirm.i miss the
sea and sands.and loads of food.and going biking.and a family get-together.just hope that the weather's fine.and i can
sit on the sand and let the wave attack me.and can scream like no one else's business like that.
gerek gua cakap ngan lu...and i'm done for now.fetching dear haidar in 10 mins.ciao.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
those kental days.
i was just flipping through my album and stop at the primary school page.
gosh.been so long since i saw that pri 6 picture.
and hahahhahha.i look so
kental lahs.
with that just got out of bed hairdo ala afro.
natural okiee...can't help it.i really can't straighten it.
urgh.just hope no one in my 2001 class still keep that graduation pic.hahahaha.
kental abes kau...those days.agh.prefects with
yellow ties.
of all colours...everyone with
high socks,especially the
guys boys.
to them the higher the better.lol.
everyone was so "ketot"(pronounce as care-thought).hahaha.i swear i thought i was tall enough.and the
gell-ed hairs were so in last time.eww.i never like that thing.erk.
how i
nnocent those days were.
i remember after recesses,some classes have to go to the sink.and this nurse will bring her ""tools" to teach us to erm,brush our teeth.gosh.how absurd is that??!agh.i can't believe we actually stand and brush our teeth at school,in the canteen.hahahaha
.idiots,whoever came out with that idea.okaayy...i know.all this is like 5 years ago.but you can't help remembering stuff lahs...anddd great friends there.miss their kecoh-ness.but really.when you never meet for so long,it'd be great to see all this people and how much people change etc.
yong ming said wanna do a get-together.but hmm.we'll see.i'm not expecting many turn up.people move on, you know.even me.but yah,it'd be fun i guess.
and i'm done for now.to all those alive during those
kental days.
burping heaven,baybeh! yest was great.we had a feast with cik yah treating us
kfc...thanx to
dear haidar not crying at school.so there were two sets of the
"Fiesta" meal okaayy...urgghh.heavenly lahs..there were like
chickens everywhere seyy...yay?i ate like
two large chickens.plus a
large potato.
burps.i was actually getting sick of chickens.especially KFC ones.but then again..come to think of it,good food should never be wasted,right
?especially those free ones.haix.Bro lead our prayers for the first time yest.and wow.he rocks lahs.
Alhamdulillah..he was kinda nervous at first.but he breeze through it.wow.he's like suddenly this
grown up,mature,reliable young man,whom i never thought he could be.yet.aww.i'm so proud of him sia...
you go,brudder!and i think i'm done for now.got to eat
breakfast now..the kids sleepover here,and just back from jogging.so lots of
Friday, January 20, 2006
bored to shitless
bored to shitless-ness iii'm blogging for the second time today.in less than five hours.so its pretty obvious i'm really really (really) bored.
not many online right now.
and the ones online are not exactly the people i want to talk to right now.
i want to go offline.
but then.everyone at home is actually sleeping now.
and i'm the only human being
alive breathing in here.
lazy friday.
and this entry is going nowhere.
i think i'll stop this shit.
bored to shitless (1)
bored to shitless-ness i i'm getting bored already.and it's not even 12.
somebody please humour me.
entertain me.
chat with me.
better still.just shoot me.
would greatly appreciate it.
yours sincerely,
miss i'm-bored.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
cheaper by the dozen 2
the movie review:strictly for those who watch the 1st one.just now was
superb.cheaper by the dozen was freaking
funny.there was so little people in the theatre so we laugh our heads off pretty loud lahs.hahaha.this sequel is better than the first.and all the kids have grown up and noisier.hilary duff shrink like hell.practically a
skeleton,i tell you.and tom welling is
hot,as usual.
to those who know what i'm talking about...
norah is pregnant.and ashton kutcher's gone.
sara got a crush on someone.
charlie too.and the twins
jessica and
kim didn't even look the same.
kyle and
nigel still as chubby-bubby.and the bakers jrs. are still as chaotic.havoc.and noisy.
the story's funny.with some sad2 part,btw.alright,i'm not going to tell what's going to happen and all.you go read the newspaper review yourself.but let me spoil the fun...
nora have a son whose name is tom.
erm,if you care at all.
only for the idol-niacs.
only for the idol-niacs.yesterday's debut American Idol's episode:the audition was sooo funny.hahahaha. i was
rolling on the floor laughing like hell.there's loads of idiotic people there.it was really really entertaining despite their deafening voice.there's one sheriff guy who sang funnily...he goes..
i shot the sheriff...but i didn't shoot the deputy...i shot the sheriff...but i didn't shoot the deputee...and iiiii shot the sheriifff...but i didn't shoot the deputeee...(long pause)and aiiiii shot the sheriiifff...but...ok.i think you get what i mean.go ahead fill in the blanks.hah.that song was going nowhere sia!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
mental disorder.
yesterday was
bad.deprived of even few minutes of the computer,and i was feeling sick.restless.having some mental disorder.agh.was lazying around at home.nothing much to do.bad enough that i couldn't contact my two
dear besties.aww.and all i can look forward to was that "Love Conceirge" drama at night.how pathetic is that?urgghh..
minus all that...i need more cash lahs.without having to work my butts off.
movies and lunches need some money okaayy...and i still need to pay off my hp bills.that is,unless i want to stay at home
rotting,till my 'o' result next month.that i don't plan to.tvm.
for now..i really,really (really) miss my two dear girlfriends.aww.
shu..enough working lah.you filthy rich already.
so sweet of you to agree to treat me baybeh!dong..get your hp back lahs.beg your folks,clean the house.whatever.
just suck up,really.i bet it'll work.at least tmr going to be better.going out with sis to town.just chill,and get a life.yay?
and i'm done updating this shit.byes.
Monday, January 16, 2006
money and movies.
so mr
mitch gave the paycheck one day earlier.yay.and i got an extra 50 bucks.whee.
anyone want to go watch some movie, just tell me.
i'm ready to
spulrge baybeh!!
cheaper by the dozen.
memoirs of a geisha.
in her shoes.
just text me.
i'm craving some nachos.with extra,extra cheese.
to miss i'm-grounded:my condolence. i'll wait for ya to contact me ks.can't wait for our date.see you soon,dong.ps; tell me what you did that made your parents grounded you.haiyo.of all times...
Sunday, January 15, 2006
so yesterday was not that bad...we didn't end up clean up the house or anything.okay.
I didn't end up clean up the house.which was great.just slack in front of the com whole day since bro and sis wasn't there to fight with me for it.yay.just played some online games.and went to
garfield.com the kids started on it and i kinda get hooked.lol.funny how a 5 year old boy could influence me more than my mom can.hmm..
yesterday the makciks went to sleepover at zuhai's so we get to sleep late and all.last night was superb.watch telly till late.we decided to basically not sleep.and just watch vcd.but so much for that.bro dozed off after about an hour.hah.slept at like 3am and erm,woke up at almost 12.yay?
okay enough.i'm famished.got to eat my
brunch now..homemade
yummmyyy baybeh!!to shuhui,farah and sis...can't wait for my movie dates!!!i am so going to spulrge lahs.whee.
getting paycheck tmr,people!!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
boo hoo
i'm rotting at home.
help.trying to find something useful to do.but hell.the only 'useful' thing to do is,erm,the house chores.
who am i kidding??..so anyway,settled to helping cuzzie zuhai with her maths.and damnit i suck.and it's primary 6 okay...shush.
hopeless abes.haix.
so its pretty obvious i'm dead bored here at home.thought of watching
memoirs of geisha.but miss farah have to go out with mr farah.and shuhui had to work on freaking saturday.aww.too bad me.i'm
kesian gue...so yana is going out later watch movie or something.and the kids are going home later.bro is already out and probably back at night.so basically,i'm stuck
and stranded at home with dearest makciks and mum.wow??but nevemind,at most with this fine weather,we'll just end up having weekend clean-up-the-house session.erm,yay??agh.
so i'll just end this thing for now.before i get started and whine some more.haiyo.
Friday, January 13, 2006
good news for me.mr mitch "the boss" called just now.and asked if i want my pay.
like hello?stupid question.so yah,i'm getting it this monday the 200 bucks,and he'll send it personally.yay.finally.(oh,i didn't text him okay.)whee.i'll stop calling him mitch.
for now.today was great.just loads of lazing around.sat in front of the tv for hours,which is typical.and had
nasi lemak for lunch.agh.it was oily and all.but delicious.it was a
guilty pleasure.me and sis played table tennis
.erm,not for real.we played it on our knees.and damn it was painful.agh.but hell we had fun okay...
hmm...nothing much really happening these few days lahs.just looking forward for my movie date with sis(cheaper by the dozen 2) and shu (in her shoes)...okay enough blabber.i think i'm done for now.will try to update this shit if i have nothing better to do ks.
till dunno when.byes.
ps;to farah:thanks for helping with the editing,dong.love ya.
i'll make this short and simple.
it's finally not raining!!yet. erm,yay?
Thursday, January 12, 2006
where are you,pek??
its been raining this past few days.and i'm not complaining at all.whee.but of course,made me kinda lazy to go out.just so great.raining and waking up late.aww.
my life is heavenly heaven right now!!yay.but hopefully the rain doesn't last too long.too wet downstairs that i had to fold up the pants walking.like an idiot.agh.
but really...i have no right to complain about the weather at all.though it's exceptionally dark at home.and really really cold.haix.someone out there could be 'suffering' from all these coldness...like this apek giler in my neighbourhood.(no,i'm not cruel or anything.he's really funny up there.) anyway,he's one of the most famous person in this little neighbourhood.no,not many fans as a matter of fact.he would curse anyone near him,and shout vulgars in chinese from the innocent "cheebai" to the obscene !#?%$*....ishh
...(PG)anyway...back to the rain2 thing...the point is i wanted to say that i shouldn't be complaining because there's people like him who are shivering downstairs.with just shorts and sometimes slippers.not even a shirt on,last time i check.dishevelled.and shivering like hell.aww.
kesian kan...
so shush to anyone who dread and whine about the weather.at least you got your clothes!!
which reminds me,i think i'll go down later and check out if he's there.been few days since i last saw him. kaypoh-ness.
apek wait for me,baybeh!!i'm coming...
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
cash,food and everything good.
agh.this year's hari raya haji is sooo
boring kinda.hmmph.quite okay lah actually,minus no pictures taken.yet again.plus...not everyone is here.1)dear kak aidah zu...because apparently,people come her house her in-law's side.2)lina was kinda sick,so less kecoh-ness from us.3)cik jai and cik sumi.they had to go to hospital for checkup.(
to zuhai: relax ok dearr...everything will be ok...-_- ) so yah,it was kind of 'solemn'.anndd..everyone went back quite early...agh.we didn't even took a family photo.yet again.agh.but at least
the food is goooddd baybeh!!chicken..lontong...and those cookies i made.(aww..) burps.the cash i got are okaaay...enough for a movie or two.yay.
okay,enough complaining.come to think of it,what do i expect seyy hari raya haji to be fun2??watch goats for the whole day sucks more right?haiyo.
ps;heard that a dear friend shuhui got her paycheck today.. so she gonna treat me to movie!!yay.
pps;still pissed i don't get my pay.maybe i should consider yana's idea....text him and ask for the pay...
dengan tak tau malu nyer.hmm.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
i'm pissed.i haven't got my paycheck.which was supposed to be given by end of january.agh.it might just be a mere 200 bucks,but still..money is money okay.i'm not broke.or desperate for it.but i deserve some credits for those hardwork right??!! it's really not about the money.though i thought of giving some of it to my aunt for the 200 bucks mandarin course she pay for me.haix.i can always get the money this tuesday's hariraya right??(yay.)
yana,lets attack his office one of these days ok?!!to mr boss:
don't be a mitch.i want my money.
tak baik hidup menipu tau.tak selamat dunia akhirat kau...(chey.)alright.enough whining for now.
got to start on the cleaning-up-my-bedroom chores.people coming on tuesday.
ps;the goats arrive singapore already lah.watched them on telly.this sounds weird,but aww,they look adorable seyy...really.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
just back from food culture.met cik jai and family for dinner,then took some neoprints with dear cousins.it was fun at first.but then,it got a little havoc,with everyone wanting to get their hands on the thingy to decorate etc.erm,even me and sis.we were fighting with the kids ok.childish i know.lol.and as expected,the pics didn't turn out well.so yah.there goes my money.chiss...
now the adults went to johor,for fun.and as usual,i'm being given the difficult task of nanny-ing the kids.chey.for the record,i don't do cane,slap,or anything violent.just shout at them if it gets chaotic here.still..it doesn't scare them.at all.haiyo.hopeless.
and i'm done blabbering for now.
it's funny how you hate someone so much,you hope they are never near you.
but when they are not with you,you long for them.
it cringes you when they talked about the past.
but you enjoy the sweet memory of it too.
the poignant days are over,when everything seems to be so dark when they are there.
but now,when there's light,how you wish they are there with you too.
i miss you dad.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Elizabethown with dearest-est farah today at lido.again.the movie really,really (really) suck.it was pure crap,with the storyline going nowhere.agh.
farah was even yawning.her mouth real big.lol.
but really, the freaking show was totally a bore.except some parts which was funny.dirty funny.
orlando bloom was not even hot.he looks like he just had a running nose or something with that reddish face.erk.
anyway,i refused to trust those low ratings for the movie in the newspaper,so
HAHA to me.bleahs.at least got to hangout with farah since awhile.the rain made it more fun.whee.
to farah: two words...
told ya.ouch.


abandoned.in a toilet.

us.posings in the toilet.and me trying hard not to laugh.

not ready lah dong.

us: in erm,another toilet.

good girls.sit and shut up.

we sat through two hours of elizabethtown. what do you expect??

finally.here's to elzabethtown.whee.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

bro: a case of being at the right place, but the wrong time.eww.

the cuzzins: lepaks before the real thing.

that's what happens when you hold weddings at night.

ladies posing2.

cheers.at last the wedding's over!!whee.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
hellboy and juniors
aww.i miss 4e5.
wow.today is suppose to be the first day of school,and i'm not there.and its kinda weird lahs.to be honest i really,really(really) miss being in school.and that's weird,considering i've been wanting to get out of that place since forever.but anything,i will not miss two certain people.fatty and kakak tua. tvm.
anyways,by now,i'm pretty sure they are done with lectures by nosehair,and probably in class.and a certain sec 3e/3n is most probably recovering from the trauma of "typhoon hafiz".his first day routine of lectures,stories and some banging(or throwing) of tables and screaming like hell to frightened,innocent,fragile 14-coming-to-15 year olds.(right...)hah.i was waiting to get out of that school 2 years ago,since then.anything,bless them lahs.
annddd...lastly,before i end this, have lots of people to thank...
1) 4e5: for a great drama-mama years.all the high and lows i'll always remember.
2) mr hellboy: for crazy,fun,hellish 2 years.and the reality-check.
3) farah: for being there always.
4) shuhui: for irritating me in a good way.and being an angel.
5) all the people who think they should be thanked.hah.
till next time,i'm done now.
ps;can't wait for elizabethtown out this thurs.yay.=)
Monday, January 02, 2006
the wedding affair
okayy...finally,finally,finally...i have a freaking blog.the ever sesat me.
and i'm not going to start this thing blabbering over boring new year resolutions crap,cos hell, i never do them anyway.who am i kidding?!!
hmms,anyways,yesterday was Long's second wedding.
NOT marriage.and it was just ok.exhausting,and fun.not fun-fun.just fun.kind of weird,when the real wedding was like almost a month ago.like hello??basi gitu...but anything,overall it was just alright.loads of food.help out with the kendarats doing all the waiter-ing.I ate three plates of my favourite mee birthday.
burping heaven baybeh!!!and of course,the tradition family photo-taking.it was figgin' hot when everyone was literally,cramped in together.but it basically wrapped up the whole evening.
the wedding was the shortest,and one of the best-est
except some spoilt brats who refuse to help with the dishes and kendarats,which according to them,is low-class.shush.enough wedding affairs,i think i'm done with this for now.will post some pics when got it from myra ks.
and to
dear yana.thanks for helping out with this thingy.whee.